Achieving Your Goals

Maybe this is a funny post to write after all of the U.S.A. gorged themselves on too much food yesterday. But I always say there is no place like the present to make a positive change. I am a procrastinator, and I’ve always been hell bent on putting off until tomorrow what I can get done today. But all that changed when I decided to make some much-needed changes in my life.

Back, a few years ago, I lost all my hair to Alopecia Universalis. And I realized I was fat and unhappy. I’ve told you all about this before, so bear with me, this blog post might actually go somewhere.

I remember thinking it didn’t matter what I put in my mouth, because I thought that no matter what I’d always be fat. Watching my diet and exercise seemed exhausting on top of raising three kids, working, and being unhappy with most of where my life was heading. I focused on the negative and was in a real slump. I felt lost, and I wanted things to be different for me and for my family.

And then one day, I was walking up the stairs at work and I could barely catch my breath. I flipped through some pictures from my wedding, and I saw how healthy I looked. I looked at how I always sat on the couch and didn’t even really want to play with my three little kids. And it was enough for me to make a change. I started going to Tae Kwon Do. I made friends. I focused on myself and my needs. I changed my attitude to others. I started being nicer to people in my life and worked on controlling my anger, which had spiraled out of control at that point. I worked on both my physical and mental health (they go hand-in-hand folks).

I found the value in having goals, achieving goals, and not putting those goals off. Today, I’m more physically healthy and more emotionally healthy than I’ve been in a long time. I’m thankful for all I have: family, friends, health, work, and for my writing successes. I realized in order to make a positive change in your life, you have to be willing to do it and stop making excuses that allow you to fail. I also realized that happiness comes from within, not from external forces, not from your friends and your family. If you’re not happy with yourself, then everyone will disappoint you because you’re disappointed with yourself.

And slowly but surely, I lost 60 pounds. I struggled. I still struggle to get off the couch, but now I exercise about six days a week. I watch what I put in my mouth. And when I’m feeling sad, I let myself wallow for a few days, and then I think about what I can change to bring myself out of the funk, instead of blaming others.

LaurenBefore Picture

Lauren – Thanksgiving 2011. Someone tell me to get a new wig please! I didn’t allow anyone to take full body shots of me then!

Lauren 2015 Thanksgiving

Lauren 2015 – 60 pounds later – Sorry for the quality folks, I’m in between cameras!

If I can do it then anyone can. Set your mind to something and you can achieve it. Accountability matters, even if the person you’re accountable to is yourself.

What are your goals? Weight loss or otherwise?


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3 thoughts on “Achieving Your Goals

  1. Very nice post, and congratulations on achieving your goals, Laureen!
    I agree that things can be done, when one commits to them, and I’m thinking it’s time for me to get healthier as well, though the circumstances are not perfect at the moment (I’m righ before a huge change and my life is a bit in chaos), so–sadly–I might put it off for a while.


  2. You are such an inspiration to me. I am currently transitioning from grieving for my health and accepting that it won’t get better unless I make some major life changes. Currently, there doesn’t seem to be time for me in my schedule. What?!? I got to throw some stuff overboard before my ship sinks.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations on meeting your goals. One of my goals is to lose weight, too. Getting the motivation to exercise and actually think about what I’m eating is hard. Another goal I have is to write a novel. I have ideas, but I fear they may not be good enough for a full-fledged novel. I guess I won’t know unless I try. A third goal is to get these short stories onto my blog. I know I’ll get there; I just want to make sure they’re the best. Will anyone read them? I don’t know. But I have to put them out there.

    Those goals stand out above the rest. I hope to achieve them moving forward. I don’t have a timetable yet. I’m working on that.


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